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Why I took a year off and changed my name.

I know what you're thinking "this woman changed her name?!" Let me start by saying, i did not change my real name only my photography business name!

Starting in march of 2017 i started to lose focus of what was most important. I wasn't able to keep up with everything, i was a stay at home mom and photographer. I was trying to juggle 3 boys and a full time business. Needless to say it WASN'T working. One morning i was sitting on my computer while my boys were eating breakfast and my oldest son said to me "Mommy i wish you would stop looking at your computer so much. I miss you" this broke my heart! I never realized how much i was putting my business in front of my children. when he said that i closed my computer, teary eyed and said "i am so sorry if i haven't been doing things i normally do with you baby." He told me it was okay and went back to eating. So i decided that i was going to plan a fun day for us! we went to the park, went and got popsicles, and played in the pool. i tucked them into bed that night then went right back to my computer. i was almost done editing a session and while doing this session i kept thinking "i really do spend most of my time on my computer with little time for anything else at all". After i finished i closed my computer and decided i was hanging my camera up. I wasn't sure if i would ever come back to photography. But, we moved, we got a bigger yard, my kids made some friends, and i realized i can incorporate them into what I'm doing. I'm not saying it's easy because believe me, it's not. But, we are making the best of it. I've decided maybe just part time would be perfect for us! so here's to seeing where this new season in life will take us. Also, let me say, i am SO excited to be back behind my camera capturing such sweet beautiful moments!

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